Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Tuesday Tidbits

Hola! I am up way too early. Boo hiss! I have a lovely seminar in O'Fallon with our Liability/WC Insurance Company. The only time I want to go there is to shop dang it! Do you think I could just sign in and leave??? ;)

The past weekend was perfect. Weather was awesome, kids were not cranky, etc. We spent 90% of the time outside just hanging out playing in the sand and sprinkler. Cheap entertainment! Went to the campground and visited some friends. We also went to see Madagascar 3. Cute movie. Jaxin did well, he was a little antsy but all in all he watched it with no complaints.

I am really pushing my water intake and ridding of soda. I am such a tard that Friday I drank double the 64 oz recommendation. Seriously I was sitting outside Saturday and realized my water bottles are 16 .4 oz each. I don't know what planet I live on sometimes. So in a day I had 6 bottles and also a 32 oz. water from McD. Which btw I was so excited to learn I could order a large water with lemon for only a quarter. Bonus!  So now I know why I had to pee every 15 minutes. I was starting to think something was wrong.

I suppose getting ready would be a good idea as it is now 5:23 a.m. and I need to leave no later than 6:15 to drop off my Bubba before I hit the road. I will return with more useless information later this week!

Lastly, here are some more pics.....wishing you all a great week!

I don't know why I can't rotate them on my phone ggggggrrrrrr!

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